IPH General Conditions of Business
- IPH Handelsimmobilien GmbH is an independent consultancy whose services are remunerated exclusively by its clients.
- Its consultants are subject to the strictest obligations of confidentiality in relation to all facts and actions of which they become aware in the course of giving advice.
- The client undertakes that it will not release know-how belonging to IPH Handelsimmobilien GmbH and used in advising it to third parties.
- The client may use the online services of IPH Handelsimmobilien GmbH for printing and dissemination within its organisation, but any use – particularly business use – going beyond that is not permitted.
- Drafts and findings etc. are subject to Copyright Act [Gesetz zur Schutz der Urheberrechte] §2 and §31 para. 2. They are entrusted to the client only for its own use in relation to the present task. Disclosure, copying, distribution and the like, even in part, are permitted only with the author’s express written consent. All rights, especially rights of use and copyright, shall remain with IPH Handelsimmobilien GmbH.
- We assume that financial statements, inventories and other written documents and verbal information relevant to our instructions which are provided to us are accurate.
- IPH Handelsimmobilien GmbH shall be liable for damages caused by it only in cases of wilful default or gross negligence. Further liability is excluded, including in cases of death, personal injury or injury to health and gross negligence.
- Verbal commitments by the consultant are binding only if confirmed in writing. The outcome of the advice will be – if agreed – recorded in a written report. Complaints must be raised immediately after invoice, in writing and particularised.
- Unless the consultation appointment is cancelled by the client no later than seven days before commencement of the advisory service, we reserve the right to charge a daily rate unless alternative consultancy work can be performed. The right is reserved to the client to prove that no loss or reduction in value has resulted at all, or that it is substantially less than the fixed amount.
- We can give no guarantee that subsidies (Federal, State etc.) will be paid.
- If the client is a commercial party, a legal person under public law or a public law trust fund, the place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from this consultancy contract is Munich.
These conditions are a translation of a German original. Only the German version is legally binding, and it shall take precedence in every case.